Options for Low-Cost Family Farewell Services

When it comes to losing a loved one, funerals have long been viewed as necessary yet costly measures. However, affordable family funerals are becoming more common as people reject ultra-expensive options. Here are several ways for grieving families to keep the costs down while creating a personalized ceremony.

One option is cremation. It can be less expensive than a full burial and offers a variety of options, from scattering the ashes in a favorite spot to keeping the urn in the family home. Plus, memorial services can be held anytime, allowing more flexibility in scheduling.

Another less expensive option is a green burial. The body is allowed to biodegrade naturally in a plot of land, avoiding the use of chemicals or a costly coffin. Families may choose to prepare the body themselves, although this can require some logistical planning.

For those wanting a traditional funeral, but still cognizant of costs, funeral directors offer options such as burial only services, viewing hours right before the funeral, or even renting a casket. The use of a simple casket or shroud for burial can also save thousands.

Affordable family funerals don’t mean sacrificing personalization. Families may still opt for adding unique touches to the service, such as playing music, or having a friend officiate the ceremony. By considering these cost-effective options, families can still honor their loved ones with dignity and respect.