Cybersecurity and following regulations are essential for every business. It ensures that sensitive data is kept safe from breaches and fraud. Neglecting security and compliance protocols can result in disastrous consequences for companies. Not only can cyber attacks lead to stolen information, but companies can also face legal action andContinue Reading

Considering a career in the tech industry? Becoming an SFCC developer could be the perfect next step for you. What does it take to become an SFCC developer? The answer is simple: training and certification. SFCC developer certification is a valuable asset in today’s job market. It attests that anContinue Reading

DNS filtering is a DNS server-level filter that blocks access to certain websites to block outbound requests for specific domain names. It can be implemented at the network level through servers running on your router, or filters can be installed directly onto individual computers. There are several reasons why anContinue Reading

IT management is the process of monitoring and administering an organization’s use of computers and other information systems which can include networked systems, the hardware that they are implemented with and the software that they run to provide user functionality as well as the employees that support these. IT managersContinue Reading