Sensory Issues? Here’s How to Get Help

For some children, sensory experiences can be overwhelming or confusing. Sensory processing disorder treatment can help give these kids the tools they need to feel calm and focused in their everyday lives.

Sensory processing disorder also called SPD affects the way a child’s brain processes information through their five senses: touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell. Kids with SPD may be oversensitive or undersensitive to certain sensory experiences. For example, the sound of the vacuum might be too loud for a child with SPD, whereas they may barely feel the sensation of touch when someone hugs them.

Therapy sessions are widely considered the most effective form of sensory processing disorder treatment. These sessions can involve play-based activities that provide a range of different sensory experiences. The goal of occupational therapy for SPD is to build a “sensory diet” that includes different activities that the child can use to help their body regulate itself throughout the day. This could involve sensory play with kinetic sand, exercises that promote balance and coordination, or breathing techniques that help a child feel more grounded.

For some kids, special equipment can help them feel more comfortable and less overwhelmed by sensory experiences. A weighted blanket can provide a sense of security, while noise-cancelling headphones can help block out sounds that cause distress.

SPD is a neurological condition that can be challenging for children and their families. The good news is that with the right sensory processing disorder treatment, kids can learn to manage their sensory issues and lead happier, more comfortable lives.