3 Ways You Can Train Your Dog At Home

Dog training can be a time-consuming and challenging task, but it doesn’t have to be! At-home dog training is an excellent way for you to teach your dog how to behave in different situations. It also helps build a strong bond between the two of you. In this article, we will discuss three ways that you can train your dog at home:

Providing rewards on command

At-home dog training is an excellent way for you to teach your dog how to behave in different situations. It also helps build a strong bond between the two of you! One easy and effective method that can help with this type of training is providing rewards on command. You let the dog know exactly what behavior will be rewarded, so they understand better when they have been successful or not.

Controlling access to resources

Access to resources is often what causes problems with dogs. At-home dog training can help you control this problem by teaching them not to guard resources, whether food or toys! It’s crucial that your “no resource guarding voice” is consistent and firm. That way, the dog knows precisely how they need to behave to access their favorite things!

Scheduling activities throughout the day

It’s good practice for both of you to keep busy during the day. This will go a long way towards alleviating boredom, leading to trouble-making behaviors like chewing up shoes or digging holes in the yard. At-home dog training does not have to mean hours upon hours at obedience school.

To conclude, At Home Dog Training is a great way to ensure that your dog can be trained in the comforts of their own home.