Natural Remedies For Dry Skin

If you suffer from diabetes, you are plagued by dry skin. Many other people with varying conditions suffer from exceptionally dry skin. You don’t always find relief with traditional over-the-counter lotions, creams, or oils. Sometimes, you’ll want to use something more natural. Use the following natural remedies for dry skin on the feet on a regular basis, and it will make your life anew.

Because poor circulation can cause dry skin on the feet, you should soak your feet 3-5 times a week in warm water and 5-10 drops of tea tree oil.

Use a whole milk and honey soak to build stronger skin cells and lock in the natural oils that are often escaping and causing your feet to be dry.

Apply an aloe vera mask to your feet to promote collagen production and repairing your foot skin. It also has antibacterial properties that will protect your feet from infection.