How To Use The School Store Point Of Sale System

School stores are a school’s cash cow. They can be used as an optional fundraiser, provide school supplies for students and staff at the start of the school year, or both. Regardless of what your school store is being used for, you need to know how to use the point-of-sale system if it has one. This article will explain three ways to use the school store point-of-sale system to make your job easier and more efficient!

*Using the school store point of sale system to track inventory and vendor orders.
*Automatically generating receipts for student purchases.
*Having a school store open when students are on campus but not in school will create a space where students can purchase supplies they might otherwise forget to bring with them.

Some of these points may seem like common sense if you have been working with school store point-of-sale systems for a long time. But in no time, this space will be vital to students, and they won’t remember how was life when they didn’t have a store in school.