Upcoming Homes: New Property Developments in Sydney

Sydney’s housing market continues to grow with many new property developments in Sydney popping up. These up-and-coming neighborhoods are worth keeping a watch on if you’re in the market for a new home.

One area of focus is Westmead. It is presently being developed into a massive healthcare and education hub, which is expected to boost the quality of living in the neighbourhood. The projects underway will incorporate shops, restaurants, apartments and a plaza directly attached to the train station. All eyes will be on Westmead as it transforms into a whole new neighborhood.

Another new property development is in the area around Green Square. Priorly an industrial park, it is now taking shape as a trendy residential area, decorated with varied public areas and parks. With its many luxury high-rises, Green Square has become a noble spot to live. These landmarks include a changing roofline and a rapid one-stop train ride to the CBD.

As for the latest waterfront properties, Woolloomooloo is presently being redesigned with a grand investment in high-end property options. New public parks, bars, and high-rises have converted the look of this iconic harbor suburb.

All in all, these new property developments sydney are only a small sample of the numerous locations across Sydney that are currently in development. They provide a glimpse into what’s in store for the future of this vivacious city.