The Potentially Deadly Dieffenbachia Seguine

Dieffenbachia seguine is a common household plant. It’s also known as dumb cane, mother-in-law’s tongue, or leopard lily. It’s popular because of its large, lush leaves and ease of care. However, did you know that this plant can be deadly?

Dieffenbachia seguine contains a toxic compound called calcium oxalate. When ingested, it causes a burning sensation, swelling and sometimes closing of the airway. Symptoms may include drooling, vomiting, and difficulty speaking. Severe cases can even result in death.

To keep yourself and your loved ones safe, it’s important to handle this plant with caution. Wear gloves when pruning and repotting. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling it. Keep the plant out of reach of children and pets. If you suspect that someone has ingested it, seek medical attention immediately.

Despite its potential danger, the dieffenbachia seguine remains a popular houseplant. If you choose to keep it in your home, be sure to give it plenty of light and water. Use well-draining soil and avoid overwatering. You can also fertilize it occasionally to encourage growth.

While the dieffenbachia seguine may be a beautiful addition to your home, it’s essential to handle it with care. Keep it away from children and pets and be cautious when handling it. By taking these simple precautions, you can enjoy this lovely plant without putting yourself at risk.