Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Everything You Need To Know

Can dogs eat cheese? This is a question that many pet owners have. The answer, as with most things related to can dogs eat this or can dogs eat that, is it depends.

As mentioned, whether or not cheese is safe for dogs to eat depends on a few factors.

The first is the type of cheese. Some cheeses, such as mozzarella and cheddar, are perfectly fine for dogs to eat in moderation. Other, however, can be dangerous. For example, blue cheese contains a toxin that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Brie and Camembert are also risky, as they can contain a harmful bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes. This bacteria can cause an infection called listeriosis, which can be fatal in dogs.

In addition to the type of cheese, the age of the cheese is also important to consider. For aged, such as Parmesan, Cheeses can be particularly dangerous for dogs. Aged cheeses can contain high levels of salt and fat, which can harm your dog’s health. They can also contain a compound called tyramine, which can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure.

If you’re unsure about whether or not your dog can eat cheese, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid giving them any. If you decide to give your dog cheese, monitor them closely for any signs of adverse reactions. Cheese is a food that humans often enjoy, but it’s important to remember that not all foods are safe for dogs. When in doubt, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog anything that you’re not 100% sure is safe.