Different Approaches to Running a Classroom

When it comes to managing a class, teachers have various ways of doing things. These styles, or ways of managing classrooms, are tailored to the teacher’s personality and the needs of the class.

One approach is the strict or authoritarian classroom management style. This style consists of a teacher who demands obedience from students and sets strict rules. The teacher is the authority figure, and students are expected to comply. However, some would argue that this style creates a tense learning environment where kids might not be motivated to learn.

Another classroom management style is the democratic or student-centered approach. This style is where the teacher sees themselves as a facilitator, guiding students’ learning. Students are encouraged to take ownership of their education by making decisions with the teacher’s guidance. Supporters believe this approach creates an engaged and motivated learning community, where students are encouraged to help each other.

Lastly, there’s the laissez-faire or hands-off approach. This style involves giving students autonomy to manage their own learning, with minimal input from the teacher. This style could work well for self-motivated learners or professionals.

Ultimately, as mentioned, teachers use different classroom management styles tailored to their teaching goals, and the needs of their classes. When teachers are intentional in their approach, it can lead to dynamic classroom environments where students enjoy learning.