If you’re planning on having a stag party with live adult entertainment or simply intend to go to a venue that hosts exotic dancers, you should definitely understand why you shouldn’t touch strippers. These professionals are entertainers who’ve been hired to dance and engage with customers in a fun and light way. They are not escorts and they are employed to be physically active with clients. As such, touch is often illegal or prohibited in certain settings. Moreover, it implies that exotic dancers have already given their permission to be touched – which they likely haven’t. Although these dancers wear incredibly revealing clothing and in some instances, absolutely no clothing at all, they still retain the right determine whether or not they wish to physically engage with others. It is also important to note that many venues that host strippers have strict rules against touching. When this is the case, putting your hands on dancers even in lightly suggestive ways could result in your being asked to leave.
Why You Shouldn’t Touch Strippers