What is a tape degausser and how does it work? This is a question that many people have, but don’t know where to find the answer. In this blog post, we will discuss what tape degaussers are and how they work. We will also provide some tips on choosing the right tape degausser for your needs. Stay tuned!
A tape degausser is a device that is designed to erase magnetic media such as tapes, floppy disks, and hard drives. It works by using strong magnetic fields that are generated by an electromagnet to erase the data stored on the media. The degausser will also help protect your data from unauthorized access or theft since the data that was once stored on the media is now completely erased.
When looking for a suitable tape degausser, it’s important to consider the size of the media you are attempting to erase as well as the level of noise it produces. You may also want to look for features such as LED indicators and automatic shutoff timers so you know when the degaussing process is complete. Additionally, some degaussers come with built-in safety features such as circuit breakers that protect against power surges and overheating.
For more information on tape degausser, check online.