What Are Composition Cards?

Composition cards are small, usually 3×5 inch cards with a short prompt or question on one side and blank space on the other side for writing. They can be used as a tool for daily journaling, brainstorming, or free writing.

Composition cards can be an effective way to break through writer’s block by providing a structure for your thoughts while still allowing you the freedom to write whatever comes to mind. If you’re not sure what to write about, try looking at some composition prompts online or coming up with your own. Once you get started, you may find that the ideas flow more easily than you thought.

If you’re interested in giving composition cards a try, you can purchase a pre-printed cards or make your using index cards or blank note cards. You can also find composition card templates online that you can print out and use. Whichever way you choose to go, be sure to have fun with it and see what creative ideas come to mind.