Livestock water treatment is essential in many ways, including utilizing ozone gas or ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and microorganisms. Oxygen is a naturally occurring chemical, and the presence of oxygen in this liquid significantly reduces the likelihood of scale buildup and mold growth. Additionally, there are no chemicals involved, and little maintenance is required. Aside from providing a healthier environment for livestock, this method is also a good choice for those concerned about their livestock’s safety.
A reverse osmosis (RO) system uses a thin film composite membrane to allow only hydrogen and oxygen to pass. This system is sometimes combined with pH correction, which can help control parasites and disease. Recycled water from a pig farm is safe to use with livestock, as it does not affect the animals’ health. In addition, if the treatment is done properly, it can reduce the incidence of animal disease. Keeping animals healthy will increase the number of animals and their growth.