Spending quality time with your baby is vital for their development. Whether it be singing songs, reading books or playing games, every moment spent with your little one counts. One particular activity that is essential for young babies is tummy time.
Tummy time activity helps your baby develop their neck and back muscles, which are essential for sitting and crawling. It also supports the overall growth and development of their body and mind. Yet, as much as it’s vital for their growth, it’s not always easy to get your baby to enjoy tummy time.
To make tummy time activity more enjoyable, place a soft blanket or towel on the floor and get down with your baby. Get their attention with bright-colored toys or a musical instrument. You can also try placing a mirror in front of them to catch their attention.
When you start tummy time activity, do it slowly, only a few minutes at a time. Gradually, lengthen the duration as your baby gets used to it. Try different positions – some babies may prefer being on their stomachs or side.
Remember, every baby is different and will progress differently, so don’t fret if your baby doesn’t seem to be taking to tummy time activity right away. The key is to keep trying and making it enjoyable for them.
Spending time with your baby is rewarding and critical in their development. Try tummy time today, and enjoy quality bonding time with your little one.