Ear wax, medically known as cerumen, is a normal and healthy part of our ear canals. It helps protect the ears from dirt, dust, and other irritants. But sometimes ear wax builds up too much and can cause discomfort or even block hearing altogether. In these cases, it’s important to remove the excess wax safely and effectively. One way to do this is through ear wax suctioning.
Earwax suctioning involves using a special device called an ear curette to gently remove built-up wax from the ear canal. This tool looks like a small metal scoop with a looped handle on one end that allows you to grasp it securely while inserting it into your ear canal. Once inserted into the canal, you carefully move it back and forth in slow circles until all of the excess wax has been cleared away.
It’s important to note that self-suctioning isn’t recommended since improper technique could lead to injury or further irritation of your inner ears. Instead, have an audiologist or healthcare professional perform this procedure for you in order for it to be done correctly and safely.