How To Choose Solar Installers Adelaide Services?

Picking the best Solar Installers Adelaide Services when it comes to installing a solar power system in Adelaide can be overwhelming when there are many choices available. Here are some important things you need to keep in mind if you’re looking for a good solar installer:

How skilled and experienced is the company?

What kind of deals does the company offer?

What type of warranty do they provide on the system and components?

How knowledgeable is their staff about the products being used?

What are their installation procedures? How long does it usually take to get your solar power system up and working? Will they be able to keep to deadlines, or are delays common in this industry.

Is the company’s service area limited to select parts of Adelaide?

What kind of maintenance and after-sales support do they offer?

Does the supplier have good knowledge about Feed-in tariffs (FiTs)?

How well known or trusted is their brand? What kind of reviews and testimonials can be found online from past customers?