Hair Salon In Sydney: To Close Or Open

The typical hair salon in Sydney or anywhere else in Australia is facing a dilemma. The big question is whether or not to stay open. Apparently, hair salons are allowed to operate in the country even though they are not considered essential services.

Previously, the government allowed every customer to get his or her haircut for half an hour. But this executive order was later rescinded. Now the time limit has been lifted.

So hair cut away! Some salon owners, however, are unhappy about the existing dispensation. This is because they can’t claim rent reduction as their services aren’t shut down under the law.

You just can’t please everyone, and not especially in a time of pandemic. The law requires social distancing at the salon level. And of course, that includes proper hand sanitation levels. But still, many hairdressers don’t feel safe. After all, it’s not always possible to keep your safe distance from a customer when you’re cutting hair.