Say Goodbye to Head Lice with These Tips

Lice infestations can be a major headache for parents and children alike. However, you can tackle this problem effectively with a few tips on lice treatment. Toronto parents can follow these simple steps to prevent and treat head lice without any harsh chemicals.

Firstly, avoid head-to-head contact as much as possible. This often occurs when children are playing together or hugging each other. Similarly, sharing personal belongings such as combs, hairbrushes, hats or even headphones, can also lead to the spread of lice.

If despite your best efforts, your child does get head lice, you’ll want to get rid of them quickly. You could consider using a fine-toothed comb to comb out the lice and nits from the scalp and hair. Another option is to use a natural solution of diluted tea tree oil, which can loosen the lice and make them easier to remove.

An alternative to using harsh chemicals is seeking professional lice treatment. Toronto has a number of clinics where you can get rid of lice safely and effectively. These clinics use non-toxic and non-pesticide treatments such as warm air or dehydration to remove lice.

With a bit of prevention and quick action, you can effectively manage lice infestations. Whether you opt for natural remedies or professional help, lice treatment Toronto has you covered.