Buying Shower Screen Brackets

If you want to save money on the cost of installing your bathroom shower screens, then you should consider buying shower screen brackets. These are inexpensive and reusable and are a great way to protect your screens and prevent damage from occurring over time. They can be bought at most home improvement stores, hardware stores, and even department stores.

Brackets are made out of a variety of materials, including brass, stainless steel, and chrome. However, the most common types of sections to purchase are cast iron and chrome. Cast-iron is probably the most popular because of its rustic and antiqued look and feel.

Usually, screens will be available in different sizes, so you will be able to find one that will fit perfectly within your shower stall. Some of the larger brackets will also require that you buy the extra feet needed to go with them to place them on top of your shower curtains or tub drains.