What is Long Term Patient Care?

Long term patient care is support and services provided to people with chronic illnesses, injuries, or disabilities. This type of care helps to improve the quality of life for those in need by providing ongoing medical attention and assistance with daily activities. It can include anything from physical therapy or occupational therapy to home health aides and social workers.

Benefits of Long Term Patient Care

Long term patient care provides many benefits for those in need. It can help people manage their illness or injury more effectively, reduce pain levels, and increase mobility. Additionally, it allows individuals to receive regular check-ups from a doctor which can help detect any changes in their health early on before they become serious issues. Finally, long term patient care also provides much needed emotional support by providing companionship and a sense of security during times of difficulty or distress.

Comprehensive Approach

When it comes to long term patient care, a comprehensive approach is key to ensuring that all needs are met effectively and efficiently. This includes assessing the individual’s physical abilities as well as mental health status so that an individualized plan can be devised that best meets their needs over time. Additionally, this approach allows for modifications when necessary so that the plan remains up-to-date with any changes in an individual’s condition or lifestyle choices over time.


Overall, long term patient care is essential for anyone who has an illness or disability that requires ongoing management over time.