Sinus Bradycardia ECG: The Basics

Sinus bradycardia is a type of arrhythmia caused by a slow heart rate. This condition can be dangerous, so it’s essential to know the basics about sinus bradycardia ECG.

What should I know about this?

The ECG, or electrocardiogram, is a tool used to measure and record the heart’s electrical activity. The ECG will show a heart rate below 60 beats per minute in bradycardia. This can be caused by issues with the heart’s natural pacemaker (the sinoatrial node) or electrolytes like potassium and calcium imbalances.

Certain medications, such as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers, can also lead to sinus bradycardia. In some cases, it may be seen as a normal finding in athletes or individuals with high levels of physical fitness.

However, for those with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease or thyroid disorders, bradycardia can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and fainting. Treatment options may include adjusting medications or using a pacemaker to regulate the heart rate. Speaking with a healthcare professional about any concerns or abnormal ECG findings is essential.

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