Multiple Sclerosis And Physiotherapy: Previously Presented Research

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, which affects the brain and spinal cord. MS results in various symptoms that can include blurred vision, loss of balance, tingling sensation or numbness, fatigue, and many more. Many treatments are available for multiple sclerosis patients to help manage their symptoms with varying degrees of success. One such treatment is physiotherapy for multiple sclerosis patients (PTMS).
1) What should I know about multiple sclerosis and physiotherapy?

  • multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system
  • many symptoms can include blurred vision, loss of balance, tingling sensation or numbness, and fatigue.
    2) What else should I know?
    Various treatments exist to help multiple sclerosis patients manage their symptoms with varying degrees of success. One such treatment is physiotherapy for multiple sclerosis patients (PTMS). PTMS may be beneficial in managing some MS symptoms. Still, more research is needed before this specific therapy can be recommended as standard care for multiple sclerosis patients overall. What does this mean? The next step would involve more clinical trials on PTMS. Hence, doctors have enough evidence to recommend it as standard care for all people living with multiple sclerosis.
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