The Delicious Feijoa Pancakes

Feijoa Pancakes originated from the island of Feijoa in the Andaman Sea, and these little pancakes are perfect for eating when you are on holiday. These little fruit cakes are not only delicious, but they are also easy to make. The Feijoa tree is a tropical hardy one, and the fruit it yields is used for the creation of all kinds of products. These include feijoas and other fruits and nuts and seeds and are harvested in the rainforests of the Andaman. Many people believe that the name feijoas comes from the Spanish word Feijoa, which means golden color.

If you enjoy a sweet taste, try adding a squeeze of lemon to your Feijoa pancake. Try this if you like citrus or a combination of citrus and honey. The Feijoa taste is unique, and unlike other fruits, you will never taste another fruit like the Feijoa.