Compostable Food Packaging: What You Need To Know

Frequent composting is the key to keeping compostable food packaging pure and safe for human consumption. This article will explore what compostable food packaging is, why it’s important, and how you can do your part to keep compostables clean!

What are compostable materials?

Compostables are any products that break down into nutrient-rich soil over time. They’re made from renewable resources like corn or sugarcane rather than petroleum or plastic.

Who benefits from compostables?

The environment does! These items make a big difference for our planet by reducing landfill waste and decreasing harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, they save energy because they don’t need to be manufactured as often as petroleum-based plastics.

How can I be part of the composting solution?

By composting at home: If you have access to compost bins (or even just your own backyard), you can compost all kinds of organic waste yourself! Just throw away anything that isn’t compostable into your trash cans – then collect everything else and add it to your pile.

To conclude, compostable food packaging is a great way to reduce your environmental impact. It’s simple to use and helps keep our planet healthy for generations to come!