Stretching Exercises For Kids: The Benefits Of A Flexible Body

Stretching exercises are an important part of any healthy lifestyle, but they’re especially important for children. A regular stretching routine helps kids stay flexible, strong, and injury-free. It also enhances their coordination and balance skills. Plus, it can be fun!

The key to successful stretching is to keep it simple. Starting with basic movements that involve the whole body will help your child become familiar with the sensation of stretching and make them more likely to continue with it in the long run. Here are some great stretches that can easily be added into your child’s daily routine:

• Neck rolls: Have your child slowly move their head from side-to-side and up-and-down for 10 seconds each direction.
• Shoulder shrugs: Have your child stand tall and simply shrug their shoulders towards their ears 10 times in a row.
• Arm circles: Have your child stand tall with arms outstretched at shoulder height then rotate them forward in large circles 10 times before reversing directions for another 10 repetitions.