Dynamic Application Security Testing: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re responsible for the security of an application, then dynamic application security testing is something you need to be aware of. We will discuss what it is, and we’ll take a look at some of the benefits it can offer.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a type of security testing that assesses the security of an application while it is running. That means that dynamic tests can offer more comprehensive coverage than static tests, which only analyze the code of an application.

Dynamic tests are also able to identify vulnerabilities that static tests would miss. For example, dynamic tests can detect SQL injection flaws and cross-site scripting flaws. Static tests can only find these sorts of flaws if the code contains obvious indicators, such as strings like “SELECT * FROM users”.

DAST can be performed manually or with the help of automated tools. Manual dynamic testing is often used during the development process so that developers can fix any vulnerabilities before the application is released. Automated dynamic testing tools can be used to scan web applications for vulnerabilities.
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