XRP Cryptocurrency News: 3 Things You Need To Know

XRP is a cryptocurrency that is designed for high-volume transactions. Unlike Bitcoin, xrp does not require mining and has low fees. Here are 3 xrp cryptocurrency news items to know about:

  • xrp was added to xRapid – xRAPID integrates XRP as the preferred digital asset for making cross-border payments. Also, xRapid is powered by xCurrent.
  • xrp was launched on xVia – xVia enables users to send payments through a variety of methods (i.e., API, mobile, and web). Also, xVia allows for sending money without the need to repeatedly specify payer details like address or transaction information. In addition, MoneyGram partnered with Ripple to pilot its blockchain solution for faster, cheaper, and more transparent cross-border payments.
  • xrp xRapid integration is growing – xRapid now has over 20 production customers. Also, xRapid’s adoption will allow xRAPID to provide a seamless and cost-effective way for global payments.

In conclusion, xrp cryptocurrency news is a hot topic in the xrp community. With xRapid, xVia, and MoneyGram all integrating xRAPID into their services, xrp has gained significant exposure.