Sclera Contacts: Everything You Need To Know

Sclera contacts blue are often used for theatrical or cosplay purposes, as they can give the wearer a theatrical look. However, there are also many practical applications for these contacts. For example, they can be used to hide a diseased or disfigured eye or to correct vision in patients with irregularly shaped corneas.

What should I know about this?

Before wearing these contacts, it is essential to consult with a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist who can properly fit the lenses and ensure that they do not cause any damage to the eye. These contacts cover a larger surface area of the eye than standard contact lenses, so proper fitting and care are essential for safe wear.

These contacts should only be worn for short periods — typically no longer than 8 hours at a time — and must never be slept in overnight. It is also essential to clean and disinfect the lenses regularly, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

We hope this information has been useful to you.