What does an executive functioning skills coach do? They provide organizational functioning assessment and executive coaching services to help improve your executive skill set. Executive functions are a group of mental abilities that people use to complete tasks. It includes the ability to plan, organize, attend to details, manage time wisely, shift attention quickly from one task or idea to another, and control emotions. People with executive function deficits may have difficulties completing daily activities at home or work.
Why is this important?
Coaches can help people with function deficits to improve their productivity and quality of life.
If you or someone you know is struggling with executive function deficits, consider seeking the assistance of an executive functioning skills coach. Executive coaches can provide assessment and coaching services to help improve your administrative skill set. They can help you to better plan and organize your time, shift attention quickly from one task or idea to another, and control emotions. As a result, you may find that you can complete tasks at home or work more effectively and efficiently.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.