What’s Available In A Nursing Nightgown?

The nursing nightgown is constructed with a clip-down double-opening for each side of the chest to allow easy access to either breast for feeding. Many styles of nightgowns exist with this use in mind.

1) Baby doll looks with the clip-down strap

2) Full gowns with double layers over the chest and one lift layer for feeding.

3) Open V-necks that easily allow the neck to be pulled down for feedings.

4) Nightgowns made with pull-aside double layer nursing closures in the bodice or top of the gown.

5) Gowns with built-in shelf bras within a nursing inset panel.

Design is not spared as many of these looks are quite fashionable. Even after weaning your baby, so of these looks will be worn regularly. Some are quite comfortable as well as good looking. The fabrics are soft and stretchy, and the colors range from neutrals to soft pastels and dark more seductive shades.