Compression Shorts: Tips And Tricks For Riders

Compression shorts are a great way to help reduce muscle soreness, fatigue, and stiffness. They also provide compression during exercise, increasing performance by reducing lactic acid buildup. With these shorts being so versatile, it is easy to find the perfect pair for any rider.

What should I know about this?

There are different compression levels that you can find when searching for these shorts. The lower the level, the less compression it will provide your muscles and circulation system during exercise. This means that a higher compression level will be more uncomfortable while exercising. They have been designed with performance in mind so expect them to fit tighter than regular clothing. For example, if you would like a pain-free workout session, an 18mmHg compression short will be significant for this purpose since they have very little tightness, unlike 20mmHg or 30mmHg shorts. You should always try on any pair of shorts before purchasing them just in case there happens to be sizing issues with your legs at first glance.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.