Gun control is a hot topic in the United States, and gun rights advocates want to keep it that way. One of the most talked-about gun laws passed in Colorado was a ban on assault weapons. This law also covers magazines with more than 15 rounds. In this article, weContinue Reading

Proofreading services for court reporters is a vital part of the court reporting profession. It is the process of reading through work or a document to find any errors and make corrections before sending it back out. In this article, we’ll go over three proofreading tips to help you proofreadContinue Reading

State residents who fall below a certain income level can access a number of state and local services. This includes legal help. If you need legal aid in Michigan, it’s available to you as long as you qualify. There are a few initial steps you need to take before youContinue Reading

The Internet has made it possible to get online answers to just about any question, and legal questions are commonly addressed. You can find dozens of sites that address various legal issues, and allow you to ask a question of an expert in that particular field, or to ask othersContinue Reading

You need support of a car accident law firm if you have been a car crash victim. This support service will help you file your claim properly and get the highest possible financial compensation. You will receive help for medical treatments even if you are not covered under an insuranceContinue Reading

There are many lawyers in every city and they’re all different. When you want to go to trial to litigate an issue, it is recommended you look for the best lawyer in the city to offer the legal services you require. Since every lawyer you find is different, you haveContinue Reading

Road crashes are a norm in life. After all, there are many people who usually drive while distracted or while drunk. Truck drivers, on the other hand, may be driving while exhausted. This is because they usually drive over long distances without stopping. If you are ever involved in aContinue Reading

Like many other states, Michigan has many programs for those who might be eligible to receive legal aid assistance. These services are often provided by the State’s Bar Association, which also serves as an advocate for those indigent individuals seeking legal counsel but cannot afford to pay for this representation.Continue Reading

If you or someone you love or care about, ever gets arrested on suspicion of having committed a criminal offense, you will need to make arrangements for their release. Upon arraignment in court, your lawyer will petition the court to set you free on bond as you wait for theContinue Reading