Akumal is known as a top spot for snorkeling and diving. Here are some tips to Make the Most of Your Akumal Snorkeling:
- Set realistic expectations. Akumal is a great place to learn how to snorkel and dive, but don’t expect to see any marine life you’ve never seen before. The best spots for snorkeling are usually near the shoreline, where there is more activity from coral and fish.
- Get out on the water early in the morning or late in the evening when there’s less traffic. During peak times, tour boats can be packed with people, making it difficult to get close to the reef.
- Bring plenty of food and drinks with you — you’ll spend a lot of time on the water!
- If you’re feeling adventurous, consider trying out more challenging dive sites or learning to do a drift dive.
- Take advantage of Akumal’s excellent day-use area for swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling right off the beach.